The Immersive Reality Chronicles
The World Economic Forum states that the metaverse is a future persistent and interconnected virtual environment where social and economic elements mirror reality. Users can interact with it and each other simultaneously across devices and immersive technologies while engaging with digital assets and property.
The Immersive Reality Chronicles is designed to explore the vast universe of augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, and other cutting-edge technological advancements that are reshaping our perception of reality.
Our goal is to convene experts and inspiring individuals in discussions covering diverse topics, including resilient leadership, entrepreneurship, burnout, the relationship between art and mental health, and a plethora of other pertinent subjects.
This project is conducted in collaboration between the Global Shapers Munich and the TUM Think Tank and is part of the Thursday Mixers at the TUM Think Tank.

The last Chronicle took place on the 01.02.2024. Follow us on LinkedIn or Instagram to get updates on the next event.
The mixers start at 7 pm.
TUM Think Tank, Hochschule für Politik, Richard-Wagner-Straße 1, 80333 Munich
Are you an expert or work in the field of in immersive realities and are interested in speaking at our series? Do you have an idea for a topic or any questions about our Chronicles? Write us an email at